
who are we

We are Arab Brilliance Academy within the International Group for Integrated Management Solutions

We specialize in remote training and we offer specialized and applied online training programs with high professionalism by providing professional, specialized and applied scientific materials that give an added value to our customers and those looking for developing their own capabilities and have documented in the training programs we offer but prevented them from us by the geographical dimension, boundaries and conditions of sabbatical and But we extend a helping hand to them through our Academy of Brilliance for remote training, which has a group of capabilities represented in trainers, consultants, university professors and scientific materials prepared with high professionalism to be presented remotely and through our website ..

Brilliance Academy also provides accredited certificates for all its training programs from two ancient sides, namely the American Group for Educational Projects Management, which includes the American Institute for Professional Studies and the American Authority for Industry and others, and the second accreditation of Brilliance Academy certificates is the Technical Foundation for Development, Consulting and Quality Systems, which is one of the most distinguished Arab bodies in the work of training and consulting And administrative applications of quality systems.